2. Installing rsudp

Installation is covered in our installation tutorial video.

2.1. Installing on Linux & MacOS

A UNIX installer script is available at unix-install-rsudp.sh. This script checks whether or not you have Anaconda or Miniconda installed, then downloads and installs it if need be. This script has been tested on both x86_64 and armv7l architectures (meaning that it can run on your home computer or a Raspberry Pi) and will download the appropriate Anaconda distribution, set up a virtual Python environment, and leave you ready to run the program. To install using this method, open a Terminal and enter the following command:

bash unix-install-rsudp.sh


In order for this installer to work correctly, your Anaconda/Miniconda base directory must be in your home folder, for example: ~/anaconda3 or ~/miniconda3. If this is not the case, you could end up with a second conda installation overriding your first.


The installer script will pause partway through to ask if you would like to make the conda command executable by default. This is done by appending the line below to your ~/.bashrc file. This is generally harmless, but if you have a specific objection to it, hitting any key other than “y” will cause the script to skip this step. You will have to manually run the conda executable in this case, however. If you choose to do it manually later, follow the instructions in the section below.

You are now ready to proceed to the next section, Modules and Settings.

2.1.1. Run the sourcing line

If you are running UNIX and having trouble running conda activate commands, your operating system probably doesn’t know where to look for Anaconda. To fix this, we need to tell it to read Anaconda’s definitions telling it where to look.

If you are running an x86 (desktop or laptop) or AMD type processor, run the following command:

. $HOME/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh

or on ARMv7 (Raspberry Pi) architecture with Raspbian OS:

. $HOME/berryconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh

where $HOME is the home directory of the current user.


You can run uname -m to check your computer’s architecture.

2.1.2. Add the sourcing line to your bashrc

The UNIX installer script should do this step automatically, but if you have this problem consistently, you may need to add this line to your ~/.bashrc file. The following step will append the sourcing line to the end of your ~/.bashrc is the following (architecture-dependent):

On x86/AMD systems:

echo ". $HOME/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

or on ARMv7:

echo ". $HOME/berryconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

2.1.3. Updating

Unix users can update the repository to the latest development version by running the following commands:

cd /rsudp/location
git pull
bash unix-install-rsudp.sh

The update script will replace the previous default settings file (~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json) with a new settings file. If you use the default settings file, you will need to copy some old values over to the new file. The reason for this is that the default settings file may change (i.e. add or modify sections of values) and thus must be rewritten when updating. On Linux, backed up settings files will be named ~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json.~x~, where x is an integer. On Mac, the backed up file will simply be named ~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json~. To back up the settings file yourself to a location that will not be overwritten, you can do a command similar to the following:

cp ~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json ~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json.bak

2.2. Installing on Windows

2.2.1. Option #1

This method is the recommended approach for quickly installing and setting up rsudp. It is best suited for users who:

  • Are new to rsudp or similar software.
  • Prefer a straightforward, hassle-free installation process.
  • Want to get started quickly without customizing the environment.

This method uses a prebuilt script to automate the installation process and ensure all necessary dependencies are configured correctly.

You can follow these steps to both install and update rsudp:

  1. Download and unzip the software from the latest release in the GitHub repository (also available by clicking Code > Download ZIP from the GitHub landing page).
  2. Double click the file named win-install-rsudp.bat in the unzipped folder. You may need administrator privileges for this step.

The install will take several minutes. When it is done, you will have a new settings file at ~/.config/rsudp/rsudp_settings.json. Edit this file to change how rsudp runs.

For explanations of the various settings fields and values, head to Modules and Settings.

2.2.2. Option #2

The second method is recommended if:

  • Option #1 fails to install rsudp properly due to specific system configurations.
  • Greater flexibility and control over the installation process is required.
  • Customization of the environment or the use of a specific version of Python is necessary.
  • Installation is being performed in a managed or non-standard environment, such as a server or an advanced workstation.

You can follow these steps to both install and update rsudp:

  1. Download and install Anaconda3 or Miniconda3.
  2. Open an Anaconda Prompt.
  3. Execute the following lines of code:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda create -n rsudp python=3.12 numpy=2.0.1 future scipy lxml sqlalchemy cryptography
conda activate rsudp
pip install rsudp

If you wish to play sounds on Windows, please follow steps 1-8 in this tutorial in order to install ffmpeg and add it to your system’s path variable.

You are now ready to proceed to the next section, Modules and Settings.

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