:py:data:`rsudp.test` (test helpers) ===================================================== .. versionadded:: 0.4.3 The test module. Here are the currently available tests, descriptions, and their initial state: .. code-block:: python TEST = { # permissions 'p_log_dir': ['log directory ', False], 'p_log_std': ['stdout logging ', False], 'p_log_file': ['logging to file ', False], 'p_output_dirs': ['output directory structure ', False], 'p_screenshot_dir': ['screenshot directory ', False], 'p_data_dir': ['data directory ', False], # network 'n_port': ['port ', False], 'n_internet': ['internet ', False], 'n_inventory': ['inventory (RS FDSN server) ', False], # core 'x_packetize': ['packetizing data ', False], 'x_send': ['sending data ', False], 'x_data': ['receiving data ', False], 'x_masterqueue': ['master queue ', False], 'x_processing': ['processing data ', False], 'x_ALARM': ['ALARM message ', False], 'x_RESET': ['RESET message ', False], 'x_IMGPATH': ['IMGPATH message ', False], 'x_TERM': ['TERM message ', False], # dependencies 'd_pydub': ['pydub dependencies ', False], 'd_matplotlib': ['matplotlib backend ', False], # consumers 'c_plot': ['plot ', False], 'c_write': ['miniSEED write ', False], 'c_miniseed': ['miniSEED data ', False], 'c_print': ['print data ', False], 'c_alerton': ['alert trigger on ', False], 'c_alertoff': ['alert trigger off ', False], 'c_play': ['play sound ', False], 'c_img': ['screenshot exists ', False], 'c_tweet': ['Twitter text message ', False], 'c_tweetimg': ['Twitter image message ', False], 'c_telegram': ['Telegram text message ', False], 'c_telegramimg': ['Telegram image ', False], 'c_forward': ['forwarding ', False], 'c_rsam': ['RSAM transmission ', False], 'c_custom': ['custom code execution ', False], } .. note:: If you wish to add your own consumer module, the easiest way to test its functionality is to follow the instructions in :ref:`add_testing`, then add the relevant test to this dictionary. Then, you would import the :py:data:`rsudp.test.TEST` variable and modify the test result (:py:data:`TEST['your_test'][1] = True`) if the test passed. If your module is set not to start by default, and you are using the default settings file for testing, you will need to set ``settings['your_module']['enabled'] = True`` in :py:func:`rsudp.test.make_test_settings` prior to running the tests. .. automodule:: rsudp.test :members: ................ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. * :ref:`modindex` `Back to top ↑ <#top>`_