:py:data:`rsudp.packetize` (data formatter) ===================================================== The ``packetize`` module is a utility that turns miniSEED data into text files containing the Raspberry Shake UDP data format (see :ref:`producer-consumer`). It can be run either from another python module using the :py:func:`rsudp.packetize.packetize` function, or from the command line. Python usage: .. code-block:: python from rsudp.packetize import packetize packetize('test.mseed', 'output.txt') Command line usage: .. code-block:: bash conda activate rsudp python packetize.py -i test.mseed -o output.txt .. note:: Command line usage must be done from within an environment in which ``obspy`` is installed as a python3 package. .. automodule:: rsudp.packetize :members: ................ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. * :ref:`modindex` `Back to top ↑ <#top>`_